We work to change practices, structures, and policies to realize transportation equity for commuters in San Mateo County.
Commute.org is committed to and accountable for advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in all its forms. As a public agency serving a diverse community:
Integrating equity principles across all programs is one of Commute.org’s strategic objectives for the 2025 Strategic Plan. We are using this data to better understand where the gaps are in our services.
Commute.org focuses on people who live OR work in San Mateo County.
Much of the information that we have is from the US Census for residents of San Mateo County. – it is more difficult to find demographic data for people who live outside the county and commute in.
In addition, the data we have is based on survey responses, so it is only a slice of the total people that we serve with our programs and is not comprehensive. We are working on ways to get demographic data from more participants.
Source: US Census, 2019 and 2021
Source: US Census, 2021
There are almost 400,000 people who work in San Mateo County.
Source: US Census, 2019 and 2021
Source: US Census, 2021
Source: US Census, 2021
ACS has a separate questions for Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin versus Race. Commute.org combines this into one question in which people can select multiple/all that apply.
ACS: English = those who speak only English and those who speak other languages and speak English very well
STAR Demographic Survey Data includes people who speak one or more language, each language counted once
Source: US Census, 2021
ACS only offers male or female as options
Source: 2021 ECNVY Business Patterns County Business Patterns
Source: 2021 ECNVY Business Patterns County Business Patterns