is your go-to resource for all things commute-related in San Mateo County. Whether you're an employer looking for assistance with your commute program, a school looking for ways to reduce traffic to your campus, or a commuter looking for a sustainable alternative to driving alone, We're Here for You.
Commuters who take alternative modes to work report being happier and healthier – and they help improve air quality. Leave the car at home, explore your commute options, and take the stress out of navigating rush hour traffic. If you’re looking for a better commute, we offer Resources (and Rewards) to help.
Improve employee recruitment and retention by offering a comprehensive commuter benefits program. By encouraging your employees to try alternative commute modes, you’ll have a less-stressed, more productive workforce while reducing parking demand and your organization’s carbon footprint. Check out our resources and get in touch to set up a free consultation with our Employer Programs team today.
Access to the TDM programs and services that can be integrated into the other tools that developers and their tenants will use to reduce VMT and trip counts at new developments in San Mateo County. Becoming a Certified Development is a critical step that developers can take to ensure compliance with local and regional TDM requirements.
Drop-off and pick-up don’t have to be stressful for parents, students, and school staff. can connect you to transportation solutions to reduce the morning and afternoon gridlock – and make your campus a safer, healthier place.
Many of our programs and events are made possible by the generous support of our partner organizations. Learn more about our partners who help us carry out our mission.
From improving transit reliability to Vision Zero, there are a number of initiatives at the local, state, and federal levels that supports to help improve mobility and quality of life for commuters and residents.
Programs that provide assistance to income-qualifying individuals
There are a number of programs locally that are available to income-qualifying individuals. Examples include: discounted transit, free transit cards for residents of San Mateo County, bike rebates, and more.
Integrating equity strategies across all programs is one of’s strategic objectives for the 2025 Strategic Plan. We are in the process of developing an Equity Plan. continues to serve commuters, employers and residents of San Mateo County during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our shuttle program was…
General Tips • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (or use hand sanitizer) after…
From April 19-21, a community of transportation, HR, Facilities, and Operations professionals came together (virtually) during’s three-day Annual Symposium…