
San Mateo County Commuter Survey Results

Commute.org is dedicated to reducing single-occupant vehicle trips in San Mateo County and recently conducted a survey to gain a deeper understanding of the commuting habits of residents and workers in the area. 

The San Mateo County Commuter Survey delved into travel patterns, transportation preferences, and the inclination toward alternative modes of travel. The survey garnered 2,622 qualified responses during its data collection phase in June 2023. 

The findings unveiled that 62.8% of respondents primarily commute by driving alone, a slight decrease from the 66.5% reported in the 2019 U.S. Census American Community Survey. Of those not driving solo, 15% opted for transit, and 9.6% chose carpooling. In comparison, the 2019 U.S. Census American Community Survey indicated 12% for transit and 9.4% for carpooling. 

On average, the commuting time for respondents was 41 minutes, covering a distance of 20 miles. Notably, those utilizing transit experienced longer commute times than those driving alone. 

The survey participants expressed a willingness to explore alternative transportation methods, with 35% showing interest in transit, 31% in carpooling, and 16% in bicycling. 

Remote work continues to be a viable option, with 58% of individuals with the flexibility to work from home. Among these remote workers, the predominant schedule involved reporting to the office 2 to 3 days per week, with mid-weekdays being the most popular choice. 

It is essential to note that while the survey results offer valuable insights, they should be considered in conjunction with other data sources. The survey was not designed as a scientific study. 

For a comprehensive look at the survey results, you can click here. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at support@commute.org

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